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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why You Should Be Backing Up

Many people worry about viruses, freezes, hackers and other problems with their computers. The one thing that they should worry about the most is backing up. We're not talking about backing up into a parking space, but the need to back up your data in the event of a hard drive failure. For most people this isn't something they think about on a daily basis. You cannot trust that everything will be just fine and your files are safe and secure because you have some sort of virus program on your machine.

There are many ways a computer can fail - lightning being one of them. Many people discount the fact that a lightning storm can hit their computer and basically fry it. How do I know this? It happened to me and not just once but twice. You may be saying " but I have a power surge protector on my computer". The power surge protector will take the lightning hit once and then burn out. The warranty on most power surge protectors won't fix a computer that just got fried by the lightning, or it's hard drive wiped clean by it. You will be told by the manufacturer that it did it's job by taking the power hit.

In the event that you have someone else doing your web hosting for your web site, there is an even greater chance that their server can be hit by many different things - from viruses to hacker attacks. Your information and website could be wiped out if your web hosting service doesn't back up your files. It is not an automatic, nor an assumption that any web hosting service will back up your files.

There are many ways of backing up your files today. You could use an external hard drive, CD's or DVD's and with some companies you can back up to their servers. Most computers come with backup programs that can be set automatically by the user but many do not know how to use them.

You won't realize how important backups are until you lose your folders. Think about losing your calendar, your address books and all the important documents and software you have painstakingly created and installed on your computer. One failure and all is lost. I suggest getting over to Direct Horizon and getting educated about the proper protection and use of your computer while it's still in prime running shape. It takes very little time and effort to back up your computer versus countless hours and expense trying to recreate your files.

If you find your computer is slowing down or glitching it would be wise to take it to a repair shop and have them migrate your files to another hard drive while they still can. Recovering lost files is expensive and sometimes impossible. You don't realize what you have until you lose it. Backing up is the most important thing you can do on your computer - do it today!

Direct Horizon Business Development Group has over 50 years of technical experience behind it's business practices. Whether it's web design, content creation, content distribution, point of sale systems, traffic and conversion tracking, ppc or custom software, Direct Horizon Business Development Group is the one you want to call.


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