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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How to Recover Lost Data From The Panasonic DMC-ZS3

One of the most sophisticated and trustworthy cameras, the Panasonic DMC-ZS3 makes photography enjoyable and fun for both professional and amateur photographers. The camera is compatible with SD (Secure Digital) and SDHC (Secure Digital High Capacity) memory cards. While the storage capacity of the SD card varies from 8 MB to 2 GB, the storage capacity for SDHC card varies from 4 GB to 32 GB. Irrespective of the differences in the kind of card, corruption can occur. In such cases, the data saved in these cards becomes inaccessible.

To restore and access the data in such situations, the user needs to use a copy of an updated backup. But in case, no copy of an updated backup is available, or backup falls short of restoring the required data, the user needs to use an advanced Picture recovery software.

To explain the above point, below are the two error messages that appear on Panasonic DMC-ZS3 while you attempt to access the files saved in its SDHC card:


These error messages occur in case the SDHC card gets corrupted. Corruption in SDHC card most likely occurs due to improper camera shutdown, virus infection, and interrupted read/write operation. After any of the above error message appears, the data saved in the SDHC card becomes inaccessible.


To resolve the above error messages, the user-manual of the camera suggests you to format the SDHC card in the camera. The manual also states that the pictures saved in the memory card get permanently deleted after the card is formatted. However, it is not true, anymore. If you wish to access the pictures after formatting a memory card, then you need an effective Digital picture recovery software.

A third-party Picture recovery utility uses advanced scanning methods that recover all pictures from SDHC card even after formatting. The recovered photos can be saved at specified location. Compatible with both Mac OS X and Windows, the Digital photo recovery application ensures that the original data saved in the memory card remains intact. The do it yourself software supports recovery of almost all audio, video, and picture file formats.

Developing Data Security Policy

Almost all business companies want their data should be secure but most of them still don't have the data security policy.

Developing data security policy document is a serious task and one should properly assign to develop this document.

Higher Management motivation is very important because they will decide either policy is implementable or not and what action will be taken if someone not follow the policy.

A person who took the responsibly to develop the data security policy should be capable to understand the business areas, current culture of company, review the audit observation report if any, good understanding of data security.

While developing the data security policy document first identify the main areas that need to be secure. Usually following areas identifies and explain in the policy document.

Server Security

All Servers should be kept in secure server room. Only authorize person will allow to access the server room. Log will maintain for those enter in the server room. All servers should be patched and anti-virus software will install. Maintain the list of software's that are installed on the servers. Role of Server and it configuration list will be maintain.

Network Security

New user fills the password issuance form with approval of their department head. If user no more required to access or login in the system then his / her account will be deactivated. User log will be maintained. User will not share their password. Password should be strong. Password must be change after 90 days. Unnecessary ports will not open. Firewall will be implemented. Only Database administrator is authorized to access the database.

Data Backup

Data will be backup daily / weekly / monthly Monthly and weekly backup must be complete backup. (Week usually start on Monday) Daily backup may be incremental or complete depend on requirement. Log will maintain for backup. Authorize person should take the backup. Backup media should be reliable and kept in safe and secure place. After three month backup should by restore for verification.

Recover Your Windows Vista Login Information

Windows Vista was created with high security as a priority. It was considered to be a deterrent to computer theft, because, a stolen computer without access was not such an attractive purchase because of the risk of taking it to a dealer for the system to be accessed.

If you forget your administrator password, and you are on a domain, you can contact your administrator to get the password changed. If you are not on a domain you would have to use a password reset disc. Many people do not make such a disc so that if the password is forgotten there is nothing that can be done to recover it.

The only solution open to you is to try very hard to remember your password. Many of us tend to use the same password for every site we access, but, for those who change their password constantly,it is not so easy. You should consider the following when trying to remember your password:

- Your date of birth and those of family and friends.
- Your area,and roads and buildings around you.
- The names of family pets
- Names from your childhood.
- Significant events in your adult life.

Keep trying to logon. Make sure your caps lock is not on. Try dots and dashes in different places. You may just hit lucky, and, if you do, but forget which one worked it is unimportant because you have internet access, and, therefore, access to help to get your password changed. It is worth the effort, even though frustrating, because, the alternative is to have your system reinstalled, and the subsequent loss of all your work.

The Best Solution To Reset Your Windows Password is still by using Windows Password Resetter software. It is the only software that allows you to reset any version of windows login password. All kinds of accounts can be reset including both user and administrator account. The software is very easy to use, it simplifies the whole password recovery progress. Not to mention that it can be used in all kinds of PCs for as many times as you want.

Pen Drives and Getting Rid of Viruses

Pen drives have created a world of free travel of files and documents from one location to another. They can give the user the flexibility of a portable durable device with lots of storage space. What they can also give the user is a nasty virus that can infect not only the files on the pen drive but also the files on their computer.

It may not be commonly thought of, but plugging your pen drive into one computer after another, can potentially load it with a virus. These viruses can be contacted by using a public computer, a work computer or even a home computer if it catches a virus and you`re unaware.

Viruses in pen drives spread quickly because many people are unaware until it`s too late, that their pen drive even has a virus. And because they are always being plugged in somewhere, they are easy targets for virus scams and duplication.

If your device becomes infected with a virus you might notice the following things happen; loss of files, new files added and others being deleted simultaneously, or can`t access files or folders... Pen drives are the easiest carrier of viruses.

As soon as you plug it into a USB cable and double click on the icon, the virus can infect your device and can copy the virus right onto your computer. It happens fast and easy and usually you have no idea for a while.

To fix the virus issue you need to disable the auto run on pen drive. You will need to open to start and run then type gpedit.msc and press enter. You`re going to click onto administration templates and turn off auto play.

The next step in the process is scanning your data recovery device. You can scan with antivirus software before opening contents into Window. You can also try using freecommender. Just download the program and then open everything using your pen drive. You can check for unusual files and delete them safely.

If you need to back up data to ensure that it is safe you can try inserting the device into a USB connector. Then open the contents by typing the drive letter. Copy the important files from it and close the window. You can format the device later.

To become virus free in your data recovery device there are some steps to take. You should insert the pen drive and double click the computer icon and select tools and then click on the menu bar and click radio button, unclick the boxes to hide protected operating systems. Once it is selected click ok to save changes made.

Type the drive letter and then type; dir/w/o/a/p and enter. You can then delete the files that you need to by typing delete and then pressing the space bar. When you are done eliminating files you then type exit and press enter. After this lengthy process you will be virus free.

Remember that it is not safe to stick your pen drive into just any computer. It is also important to note that a virus scan should be used before you open and files into Window. By playing it safe, you can avoid the hassle of having a virus effect your life!

How to Recover Lost Videos from Canon Vixia HG20 Camcorder

The Canon Vixia HG20 is a splendid HD (High Definition) camcorder from Canon. It is reasonably simple to use out of the box and it looks pretty good as well. It is almost similar to the Vixia HF11 of the company, however on the contrary recording mostly to the internal flash storage, it records videos to the hard drive. The hard drive storage is very prone to failure and you may lose your valuable videos if it fails due to any reason. In such cases, you need to use reliable video file recovery tools.

The stored video files on this camera hard drive is quite volatile and may get lost because of numerous reasons. The causes of the video loss may include storage media corruption, formatting of the camera hard drive or flash memory, files are accidentally deleted, virus infection, and many alike. Nevertheless of the cause of video loss, you need to get your videos recovered, as the loss cannot be accepted at any cost.

As a practical example of data loss, you may encounter problems while trying to connect your Canon Vixia HG20 to your Microsoft Windows Vista operating system-based computer. The Windows Vista cannot recognize the device and access videos from it. This behavior of this digital camcorder makes all your video files inaccessible.

Grounds of the issue

The major reason behind this issue can be corruption or damage to the storage media of camera, either camera hard drive or flash memory. Corruption may occur to the system file, logical structure and file system of the storage media. Due to the same, camcorder operating system cannot locate stored video files and computer operating system cannot recognize the device.


In order to work around this issue, you need to replace the damaged file system, system files, and data structures with new one. It needs hard drive and flash memory card formatting. Although formatting is helpful to work around most of such issues, but it also has a downside. It removes all the files from storage media and cause severe video loss situations. In such cases, video data recovery becomes essential.

You can easily recovery lost video files using video recovery software. They use high-end scanning techniques to ensure complete recovery. The video recovery tools are totally easy and safe to use.

Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery is the most advanced and efficient solution to successfully recover lost videos. The software is available for both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems in two different versions. It works in all cases of video loss and can recover video files of all file formats.

Why You Should Be Backing Up

Many people worry about viruses, freezes, hackers and other problems with their computers. The one thing that they should worry about the most is backing up. We're not talking about backing up into a parking space, but the need to back up your data in the event of a hard drive failure. For most people this isn't something they think about on a daily basis. You cannot trust that everything will be just fine and your files are safe and secure because you have some sort of virus program on your machine.

There are many ways a computer can fail - lightning being one of them. Many people discount the fact that a lightning storm can hit their computer and basically fry it. How do I know this? It happened to me and not just once but twice. You may be saying " but I have a power surge protector on my computer". The power surge protector will take the lightning hit once and then burn out. The warranty on most power surge protectors won't fix a computer that just got fried by the lightning, or it's hard drive wiped clean by it. You will be told by the manufacturer that it did it's job by taking the power hit.

In the event that you have someone else doing your web hosting for your web site, there is an even greater chance that their server can be hit by many different things - from viruses to hacker attacks. Your information and website could be wiped out if your web hosting service doesn't back up your files. It is not an automatic, nor an assumption that any web hosting service will back up your files.

There are many ways of backing up your files today. You could use an external hard drive, CD's or DVD's and with some companies you can back up to their servers. Most computers come with backup programs that can be set automatically by the user but many do not know how to use them.

You won't realize how important backups are until you lose your folders. Think about losing your calendar, your address books and all the important documents and software you have painstakingly created and installed on your computer. One failure and all is lost. I suggest getting over to Direct Horizon and getting educated about the proper protection and use of your computer while it's still in prime running shape. It takes very little time and effort to back up your computer versus countless hours and expense trying to recreate your files.

If you find your computer is slowing down or glitching it would be wise to take it to a repair shop and have them migrate your files to another hard drive while they still can. Recovering lost files is expensive and sometimes impossible. You don't realize what you have until you lose it. Backing up is the most important thing you can do on your computer - do it today!

Direct Horizon Business Development Group has over 50 years of technical experience behind it's business practices. Whether it's web design, content creation, content distribution, point of sale systems, traffic and conversion tracking, ppc or custom software, Direct Horizon Business Development Group is the one you want to call.

Data Backup Reporting in a Nutshell

Data backup reporting is an initiative undertaken by many companies today. Most businesses depend on mission-critical information which can have an impact on their operation's success. As a consequence, these companies make use of special protection measures to safeguard this vital information. Backup systems help these companies prevent the risk of losing track of their data. They also monitor, analyze, and improve capacity planning.

Keeping track of valued information is part and parcel of a company's comprehensive data management system, especially for businesses that employ multiple data storage and protection schemes. The specially designed technical systems can augment the capabilities of backup software, which focuses on backing up entire pools or information or a specified portion of it. The system works to consolidate reports from multiple backup processes, platforms, devices, and other systems a company might use to protect its valued information.

As a business organization grows, so does its data storage requirements. Users often store important digital information on shared network drives. Corporate databases, applications, and even email can span multiple storage systems across the enterprise. However, the sheer volume of files and systems can make it difficult for IT managers to properly manage and maximize the company's existing data storage resources.

Data storage management tools collect information and stores it in a database in order to facilitate its access, analysis, and usage. Backup managers and other IT administrators make use of the information generated by data backup reporting software in order to gain a top-level view of the company's information-protection and management schemes. Attaining this perspective can help managers and administrators pinpoint potential problem areas and recommend solutions that can improve a company's data-management processes, policies and procedures.

How to Recovery LVM Partitions in Linux

Do you need to add a new disk to LVM volume for expanding it? Or, are you trying to add a new disk on LVM with zero redundancy? You must create complete backup of your precious data before trying out any of the above things. Adding a new disk to LVM volume and then expanding it may cause catastrophic data loss, if any of these drives fails. In case, the backup is not available, Linux Data Recovery is the only way to go.

The LVM (Logical Volume Manager) and LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) metadata structures are stored on original drive in Linux volume group. The journaling file system, like Ext4, move around it, as the disk space is employed or occupied.

Although the process of expanding the LVM drive is risky, it is not impossible. You can moderate the method for Ext4, LUKS, and LVM without losing your precious data. To do this, you need at least 4 storage devices, if you are expanding two hard drives.

Go through the underwritten steps to perform mitigation for the spanned LVM without losing data and requiring Linux Recovery solutions:

First of all, create the Physical Volumes.

After that, create a volume group.

Create LUKS volume on the top of Logical Volume Manager.

Create a File System and external journal.

Close all the windows and backup your hard drive data.

Note- Although, the above methods work in various situations, there is no guarantee of reliability. It is only a conscription method and can not replace complete backups.

The major advantage of the above method is that when any physical drive fails, journal is external and thus you can mount volume as read-only to backup data. This method also protects your system against metadata corruption or loss, as you should create regular backup of primary physical drive and can clone the drive.

However, if any disk fails on your system in this configuration, you encounter serious data loss situations. At this point, you need to perform Data Recovery Linux to get your mission-critical data recovered.

The recovery is best possible with the help of powerful professional Ext4 Recovery software. They are powerful enough to systematically scan the entire hard drive and extract all lost, missing, and inaccessible data from it. With simple graphical user interface and read-only conduct, they are totally easy and safe to use.

Stellar Phoenix Linux Data Recovery is the most prominent tool that ensures perfect recovery in most of the data loss scenarios. It recovers lost data from Ext4, Ext3, Ext2, FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32 file system volumes. The software is compatible with all major Linux distributions, including SUSE, RedHat, Ubuntu, Fedora, and Mandriva.

Recover Lost Data With the Help of Data Recovery Technicians

Many hardware and software are available for data recovery. A data recovery center can send technicians to your home or office to help in recovering the data. These centers offer efficient service by providing hardware and software necessary and trained technicians to recover data you had assumed to be lost or inaccessible, but it is always advisable to take a back up of your important data and files.

With the revolution of the digital age in most parts of the world, data is being manipulated and managed only with the help of the computer and computer networks. Hence the security and safety of the data is of great concern. But there are many possibilities to lose all the important data stored in the computer. It could be lost during data transfer, or it could be accidentally erased during power cuts or any other situation that makes the system shut down suddenly. It could even be lost during a computer crash or could have been deleted by mistake. It is a general notion that the data once lost can never be recovered back by any means. Data recovery is the technique to recover corrupt or inaccessible data from the system, which has been damaged in some way. Any sudden loss of data could be easily retrieved back by this technique.

There are many software available to recover lost or corrupted data. Some of these software may even be available free of cost. Some situations demand for special hardware for the purpose of data recovery, but it is possible to recover any kind of data that is lost. A recovery center helps to recover the data in a very efficient way. They offer prompt and professional service and trained technicians to recover the data. All software and hardware that is necessary for data recovery would be provided by these centers.

Moreover, they help in recovering data from various storage media such as hard disk drives, tape drives, DVDs, and thumb drives. Most frequently data loss is mainly due to operating system failure. In such cases, a recovery center copies all files to another drive and reinstalls the operating system, which may not be provided by most computer servicemen and service companies. Also these centers would not allow one to install partitions in order to save the data from any future problems. Another popular failure of data accessibility and loss is due to disk partition. This can also be easily tackled by these centers. Even data that is deliberately or accidentally deleted by the system could easily be obtained back.

One of the best ways to prevent loss is to store the data in an alternate medium. It is always advisable to take a back up of the important data. Data backup process involves moving the data from the hard drive to some separate location. A data recovery center helps in choosing and setting up the efficient data backup. A recovery center also helps in explaining the various methods available to take a backup. This helps in preventing loss of money and time for data recovery.

It is advisable to take a copy of the corrupted data that is to be handled by the data recovery software. Also no data recovery center must be allowed to attempt the backup data that was taken previously. It is always advisable to make a duplicate copy of all the critical data.

Creating a Win7RescuePE

This tutorial is a guide to create a Win7RescuePE, bootable as either a CD/DVD or as a UFD (USB Flash Drive). Win7RescuePE is a project that can be downloaded and run within the WinBuilder utility to create boot disks based on WinPE 3.0, while also providing a user-friendly Windows environment to work from.

Build source: Building a Win7RescuePE boot disk will require a Microsoft Windows7 DVD (32 bit only). 64 bit Windows7 DVDs are currently not supported.

You can use free available Windows7-RC1.
Installed Windows Advanced Installation Kit (Windows AIK).
Windows AIK is available from Microsoft for free, and can be downloaded, burned to a DVD, and then installed in Windows from the DVD. It is available for download when you type "WAIK" on Google.

Build environment: A Windows XP or later operating system (32 or 64 bit) is recommended.

Build utility: WinBuilder is the program that actually builds the boot disk. From within WinBuilder, Win7RescuePE itself can be downloaded. It is necessary that you use WinBuilder 077 RC 2 or above. The WinBuilder download page can be found by typing "WinBuilder" at Google as well.

Hard drive space: Approximately 2 GB of free space is required during the Win7RescuePE build process. Installing Windows AIK requires up to 1.5 GB of free space.

Memory (RAM): The target system requires a minimum of 256 MB, with 512 MB or more recommended.

As a further clarification, the Win7RescuePE boot disk can be built from a Windows 64 bit OS, but it cannot be built using a 64 bit Windows7 DVD as the source.

The remainder of this tutorial covers the steps required to create a bootable Win7RescuePE CD/DVD or UFD. The procedure was written while using WinBuilder 077 RC 2 and Win7RescuePE, and was tested on both Windows XP SP3 and Windows7-RC1 as the build environment.
Step 1: Download and install WinBuilder
Download WinBuilder from the link below. Version (077 RC 2 as of this writing) is recommended.

The WinBuilder download page will look similar to the the screenshot below:

The WinBuilder download will be in the form of a zip file containing one file (WinBuilder.exe). Extract this file to the folder where you want to run WinBuilder from. It is recommended that you create a new folder in the root of a drive, such as C:\WinBuilder, D:\WinBuilder, etc., and extract WinBuilder.exe there. It is also recommended that the path to the folder and folder name itself do NOT contain any spaces, as this can cause problems under some circumstances.

Step 2: Start WinBuilder and download Win7RescuePE
Start WinBuilder by executing WinBuilder.exe. If running from Windows Windows7, WinBuilder will need to be run as administrator by right clicking WinBuilder.exe and choosing Run As Administrator.

Since no projects yet exist in the WinBuilder folder, it should go immediately to the Download Center screen as shown below.

Since Win7RescuePE is a new project, you must add the download server to WinBuilder.
You can do that by selecting a available project, and then pressing the Add a new web server button. Name of new web server is:

See screenshot below.

Select and in the bottom-right section. For the first try, it is recommended that you leave "Recommended" selected in the drop down list, and leave all other items as they are by default. Select the Download button to start downloading Win7RescuePE. The screenshot below shows the download in progress:

If you get one or more messages stating that a file cannot be found or downloaded, acknowledge the message and let the download complete with the missing file(s). Then select Download from the main WinBuilder screen, and choose Download again on the Download Center screen. Doing this should cause WinBuilder to download just the missing file(s) so that you now have a complete Win7RescuePE installation.

If you want to start the Win7RescuePE download over again from the beginning, close WinBuilder, delete everything in the WinBuilder folder except WinBuilder.exe, and then run WinBuilder again to start over.

When finished with the Win7RescuePE download, the main WinBuilder screen will look as shown below:

Step 3: Install Windows AIK
Windows AIK will be required to build the Win7RescuePE boot disk.

Windows AIK can be downloaded from the Microsoft web page.

The file downloaded from Microsoft will be an ISO file, approximately 1.3 GB in size. Once downloaded, burn the ISO file to a DVD with a utility such as BurnCDCC. This utility can be downloaded from Terabyte Unlimited.

To start the install, insert the DVD and wait for the Windows AIK welcome screen to appear. If the DVD doesn't autorun when inserted, you can open the DVD drive in an Explorer window, and the double click startcd.exe. Be sure to note the installation requirements on the welcome screen, which specify which versions of Windows (and Service Pack levels) are supported by Windows AIK.

Select Windows AIK Setup from the welcome screen menu. After some initialization and the license agreement screen, the following dialog will come up:

The defaults shown above will work fine with Win7RescuePE. Be sure to check the required disk space before proceeding by using the Disk Cost button. Clicking Next will start the install. At completion, the following screen will appear:

Windows AIK requires both the.NET Framework and MSXML 6.0 to be installed. If they are not already installed on the system, Windows AIK Setup will detect this, and request that you install either/both of these items first. Both are available to install from the same DVD, and appear on the welcome screen menu as.NET Framework Setup and MSXML 6.0 Setup.

Step 4: Configure Win7RescuePE before building the boot disk
Start up WinBuilder to the initial screen, which should show the Win7RescuePE project available. Note again that if running from Windows Windows7, WinBuilder needs to be run as administrator by right clicking WinBuilder.exe and choosing Run As Administrator.

With the Win7RescuePE item highlighted in the left pane, click on the Source button at the top. The Paths configuration screen will now be visible as shown below:

The key item on this screen is the Source directory, which tells Win7RescuePE where to find the source for building the boot disk. The Target directory and ISO file items can be left as they are by default.

If using a Windows7 DVD as the source, insert the DVD in a drive, and use the browse button in the Source directory dialog to select the drive letter for the Vista DVD. In the screenshot above, the F:\ drive is the Windows7 DVD. For convenience and a somewhat faster build, you can also copy the contents of the Windows7 DVD to a drive/folder of your choice on the hard drive, and then specify that location in the Source directory dialog. For example, if you copy the contents of the DVD to the folder D:\Windows7, then that location should be specified in the Source directory dialog.

Next, select the Script button at the top, and then select Configuration in the left pane. This brings up the Configuration screen for Win7RescuePE as shown below:

The settings shown above are recommended for the first build.
Next, expand the Build section in the left pane, and highlight the 0 - PreConfig item.
If you installed Windows AIK to a location other than the default of "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK", then use the browse button to select the folder where it is installed. The screenshot below reflects the default installation location.

Step 5: Build the Win7RescuePE boot disk (the ISO file)
This step will build the boot disk and create the Win7RescuePE ISO file, which will be created (by default) in the ISO folder under WinBuilder, and will be named Win7RescuePE.iso. Please note that creating Win7RescuePE on a USB flash drive will require some additional steps after this one. Those steps will be covered in Step 8 below.

Highlight the Win7RescuePE item at the top of the left pane, and select the Play button at the top-right of the screen to start the build. The Win7RescuePE main screen is shown below as a reference:

The screenshot below shows the build in progress:

When the build completes, a Build Successful message box will be shown:

Click OK to complete the build. If you are creating a UFD rather than a CD/DVD, you can move on to Step 8 at this point. Otherwise, continue below to create the CD/DVD.

The file Win7RescuePE.iso will be created in the ISO folder as shown below. The actual size of the file will depend on the configuration options chosen, as well as the source (Windows7 DVD).

The ISO file can be burned to CD/DVD by using a CD/DVD burner application capable of burning ISO files.
Step 6 (optional): Create the Win7RescuePE boot disk as a USB Flash Drive (UFD)
Once you have completed Steps 1 through 7 above, you are now ready to create a bootable UFD.

Expand the Finalize section in the left pane, and then highlight the Copy to USB-Device item. On the right, select the Script button, which will bring you to screen shown below:

Plug in the UFD (if not already plugged in) and determine its Windows drive letter. At the bottom of the screen above, use the browse button to select the root directory of the UFD (the example above has it set to G:\).

To go ahead and create the UFD, select the "Make USB boot device" item. After a short time, you will be prompted to format the USB drive. Click OK to continue. The HP USB Storage Format Tool window will come up, as shown in the screenshot below.

In the Device field, carefully select the target UFD device from the drop down list. Double check that you select the correct device since all USB drives on the system will be listed.

In the File system field, select NTFS (recommended), and then select Quick Format under Format options.

Check the settings carefully (especially the Device), and then select Start to format the drive. Before the format actually starts, there will be a confirmation screen where you can cancel the format if necessary:

When the format completes, a summary screen will be displayed as shown below:

Click OK, and then Close the format dialog to continue. If you use Grub4Dos as bootmanger, a screens as shown below will be appear.

After selecting your UFDD, and pressing Install, the process of setting up the UFD to boot, and copying the required files to it will be continued.

During the file copy process, the screen below will be shown (shows file copying in progress):

At completion, there will be an All Done message as shown below:

Click OK to finish. The UFD device is now ready to boot. You will need to set the UFD as the boot device in order to boot from it. Typically this can be done by either by going into the BIOS setup and changing the boot order, or by selecting the UFD device from a menu of boot devices that can be brought up (on some systems) at boot time by pressing a hot key.

The Win7RescuePE Desktop:
Booting and initializing Win7RescuePE will typically take from 1 to a few minutes, depending on the system, how the boot disk was configured, and what type of device it is booting from. A UFD will boot faster than a CD/DVD on most systems.

The Win7RescuePE desktop will look similar to the screenshot below, depending on the options selected in the Win7RescuePE configuration. The PENetwork utility (shown on desktop below) can be used to configure the network and map network drives if needed.

Additional Information: Optimizing For Size
If you would like to reduce the size of the boot disk to achieve a faster boot time, as well as require less RAM, some/all of the following configuration items can be considered:
In the NET section, uncheck all items except PENetwork. If you do not require PENetwork (for mapping network shares), that can also be unchecked.

Uncheck the entire APP section.
Uncheck the entire Tweaks section.
Uncheck the entire Addons section.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Repair MS Access Database File

What could be more disastrous than receiving an error message while attempting to mount your Access database? Unmountability of the access database primarily results into inaccessibility of all its stored records. The most obvious reason for the occurrence of the error message could be corruption of Access file. Damage in the file can be caused due to various reasons, such as improper system shutdown, application malfunction, malicious software, simultaneous modification of same database records. All the hazards created after the error message can be easily surmounted by restoring the records from an updated database backup. However, unavailability of an updated backup does not leaves you with any other option, but to use an advanced Access Database Repair utility.

Consider a practical case, where you receive the below error message while attempting to open an MS Access database file:

"Microsoft Office Access was unable to open the file '|'. The file may not be an Access file, the path or filename specified may be incorrect, or the file can not be opened exclusively. To repair the file manually, on the File menu, point to Manage Database, and then click Compact and Repair Database"

As the file could not be opened, the records stored in it becomes inaccessible. In addition, the error message appears repeatedly every time you attempt to open the Access file.

Corruption of Access database file.

An easy solution (as suggested in the above error message) is to Compact and Repair the database. To do so, follow the underneath steps:

1. Go to Toolbar menu and click 'Tools'
2. In the drop down list, choose 'Database Utilities' and click 'Compact and Repair Database'.
3. Choose Access file that needs to be repaired in 'Database to Compact From'.
4. The compact and repair process can be started by clicking on 'Compact'.
5. Select a destination where you will need to save the database file.
6. Click 'Save'.

The resolution suggested in the error message repairs your database in most cases. However, if the resolution is unable to accomplish the desired results, then you will need to use advanced repair mdb tools to repair your damaged database file. Such third-party Access Repair applications use advanced scanning methods to repair the corrupt database file.

Access Recovery is a reliable mdb repair tool used world-wide by both technical and non-technical users. The tool is easy to understand without any prior technical understanding. It supports Access 2007, 2003, XP (2002), and 2000. The repair tool is compatible with Windows 7, Vista, 2003, XP, and 2000.

How to Recover Deleted Files on Your Computer

Computer is becoming necessary in our everyday life, not just a toy or accessories anymore. As we put more time on it, sometimes you accidentally delete your important files from your hard drive, but you don't have to panic as it is easy to recover deleted files yourself. You can undo the deletion and restore files for sure as long as you have the best undelete software installed and act immediately once you realize that your files are gone. Here is how to restore deleted files using Windows PCs or Mac OS.

What are the chances of recovery?

A deleted file can be undeleted or recovered right after it has been gone and for some time afterwards, because the operating system will not reuse space from the deleted files immediately. But the chances of perfect data recovery will decrease the longer you leave the situation, as some or all of the space will be reused by the system eventually. The chances of data recovery will also depend on how full the hard drive is. Windows operating system will try to avoid reusing disk space that has been recently freed, in order to give recovery software a better chance of performing its task. But as the drive gets near to its full capacity, there will be better chance of free space gets reused by other files sooner. If you happen to defragment the hard drive since the file was deleted, then this will seriously affect the chances of a file recovery process. The free space left by deleted files will be occupied by current files due to fragmentation process, making it much less likely that undelete software could find anything useful.

Recover deleted files effectively

No operating system will provide any tool to recover deleted files as a standard, so you would need to use 3rd party undelete software.

Undelete software will understand the internals of the operating system that was used to store files on a disk and find exact location of the disk space that was occupied once by a deleted file. As the space won't be reused immediately after the file was deleted, there is still a very good chance of successful data recovery using this software. If you are a Microsoft Windows user, there are third party tools available such as Uneraser and Data Recovery Wizard. They are reported to use thorough search mechanism and the most sophisticated data recovery algorithms to provide best possible recovery rates. It can even restore files from lost or corrupted partitions.

Saving the recovered data

One thing you must remember is that you should not write to the disk that contains the files that you would like to recover, because if you do so the space will be overwritten and the data will be lost. Instead, you should save the files to a separate drive such as external drive, network share or USB memory stick. And always be cautious not to drop or lose it as it might contain your security data that other people can easily get an access to.

The Use of IT Support Services

The actual meaning of the term 'IT' is information technology. One can surely understand that it is something related to computers. The IT companies offer their best services to big companies and assist them in handling all the automated functions which can be carried out with the help of the computer. The services are offered on a yearly basis for a small amount of fee which is solely dependent on the number of users and the functions they need. The IT support services can be obtained through e-mail or the telephone or even by accessing that particular IT Companies website.

The support and assistance offered by different IT companies is naturally different. Hence deciding on the right IT Company to invest in is a very important job. As in today's world the demand for use of computers has increased tremendously, the competition in this field is vast and it can be rather confusing for any first-timer. The help which one can get from such companies is quite different than any other external source of help as it does not depend on the monetary success or loss of the company. The owners of the big companies do not have any slightest form of contact with the technicians of the IT Company as the technical faculty of the big companies only deals with them.

The main job for an IT company in any multinational company is to prepare the operating systems, security systems and such other things which are completely dependent on computers. Running such systems is the multinational companies job but servicing and maintenance of all the main computer systems of the company is the IT engineers job. It is a very complicated job and therefore the pay in such IT companies is also very good. Preparing profiles of the entire staff for security reasons is one of the important jobs of such an IT corporation. The overall success of the deal between the IT companies and the big companies is seen if the returns are good and the company is consistently into profits.

Machines are meant to be spoilt at a later stage as the various and innumerable parts of any machine wear out after prolonged use and also lack of maintenance. This results into complete havoc in the daily life of the people who work there. This is where the role of the IT Company comes in. The IT companies have many trained computer experts who know the methods of repairing the computer systems and making it work smooth as always without any other glitches. A big operating system can face many problems such as a breakdown or system downtime. Thus IT companies help the big companies by securing all their programs in huge hard drives and external memory disks in case of an emergency so that no data is lost and the working of the company can resume as it was before.

Linux Data Recovery Using 'Myrescue' Utility

In Linux operating system, myrescue is an utility to retrieve still-readable information from damaged hard drive. This Linux Data Recovery tool is similar to the dd_rescue, however it attempts to quickly get out of corrupted area to handle undamaged part first. After extracting data from the undamaged area, the utility then returns to the damaged area and tries to fix it.

The myrescue utility attempts to copy your hard drive block-wise to the file and creates a block bitmap (table) remarking whether the block is successfully copied, not handled yet or it has errors. The block bitmap or table can be employed in the successive runs for concentrating on unresolved blocks.

This Data Recovery Linux utility effectively handles the read errors, through its special skip way. General the hard drive surface blemishes cover more than simply one data block and uninterrupted reading data from the defected areas may damage the hard drive surface, the hard drive mechanisms, and read/write heads.

When it occurs, the possibilities of retrieving the remaining and undamaged data decreased dramatically. Therefore in the skip mode of myrescue, it attempts to escape the damaged area quickly by exponentially incrementing the step size. It marks the skipped blocks as un-handled in block bitmap table and they may be retrieved at later stage.

Ultimately, the utility has an advanced option to multiply attempt for reading data from a data block, before believing it is damaged.

However, you should bear in mind that the this utility is not a replacement for third-party data recovery utilities. When you have a second option, do not even try to use myrescue, as the tool may cause more damage to your hard drive.

The myrescue utility is available only for the situation that you're completely desperate and cannot afford any professional Linux Recovery utility. If your data is highly significant for your business, it is worth to go for professional recovery applications.

The Linux Data Recovery software are able to handle all types of data loss situations, ranging from simple deletion to the most severe file system corruption. The applications carry out in-depth scan of entire Linux hard drive and extract all lost, missing, and inaccessible data from it. The come equipped with simple and rich graphical user interface, to allow you to carry out Do It Yourself recovery.

Stellar Phoenix Linux Data Recovery is the most familiar and powerful program that ensures absolute recovery of all your lost data. The software recovers data from Ext4, Ext3, Ext2, FAT12, FAT16, and FAT 32 file system volumes. It is compatible with all major distributions of Linux operating systems including SUSE, Debian, Red Hat, and Fedora.

Tips to Solve Inbox Repair Tool Error - An Unexpected Error Prevented Access to This File

The Inbox Repair Tool is the Microsoft provided utility that is designed to repair corrupted PST files of Microsoft Outlook. The tool resides at a typical location, which is decided by the Outlook version in use. In Outlook 2007, it is disk drive - Program Files-Microsoft Office - Office12. But the application comes with limited repair functionalities and thus, sometimes fails in situations when the degree of PST corruption is high. Such problems make it imperative you to use a third-party PST file repair tool that can act more powerfully than this Microsoft tool.

The tool is associated with a program file called 'Scanpst.exe'. So, to run the utility, you need to locate this file first. At times, when you try to run an Outlook 2007 PST Repair Tool in order to repair a corrupted PST, it may prove unsuccessful with the following error on screen:

"An unexpected error prevented access to this file. Use ScanDisk to check the disk for errors, and then try using the Inbox Repair tool again."

The error suggests that for some reasons, Scanpst could not be accessed.


Scanpst might fail to be accessed due to disk errors or related problems. It can also happen if PST is severely corrupted and the repair is beyond the capabilities of Scanpst tool.


To troubleshoot the described problem, you need to apply these solutions:

A) Run chkdsk to determine and correct disk related problems. Try to run the tool again.

B) If this doesn't help, you should recover the PST data as follows:

(i) If you can open the PST, create a new data file with Outlook and import all the data to it

(ii) If you cannot open the PST, restore from a backup or use a third-party PST repair utility

The third-party repair outlook inbox products are empowered by suitable scanning algorithms that can repair a corrupted or damaged Outlook Inbox easily and efficiently. The software are easy to install and can be operated even without any prior knowledge. These are commercial Inbox Repair Tool with interactive design and competency to work while each level of damage.

Outlook Inbox Repair is a reliable and featured tool to repair a corrupted PST. The software restores the data in a new, Outlook-importable PST. The Inbox Repair Tool supports MS Outlook 2007, 2003, 2002, and 2000. The software has a 3-pane display that includes direct buttons to view e-mails, calendar etc., similar to Outlook.

Photo Data Recovery - Don't Panic If You Lose Photos, Just Go For Data Recovery

I am an adventure lover and traveling is in my blood. I travel far and wide, cover great distances on foot, climb tree tops, and high mountains, and travel almost anywhere and everywhere. In fact, I love skiing, hiking, biking, rafting, diving, parachuting, para-gliding and every other outdoor activity. I love being close to nature and admiring its beauty in full swing. That is why, when I had to choose my career, I chose photography, without a second thought. Being a lover of nature, I have become a nature photographer and landscaping (in my opinion) is by far the most fascinating of them all. I love to capture the fury of the clouds, brewing up of storm, beauty of a placid sea, silence of the mountains, or the serenity of a full moon night with all the stars shining bright.

I love my camera. In fact, I married it, long ago. Today, no matter where I go, I have my camera, right next to me, always ready for action. I carry my memory card, laptop and external hard drive with me, apart from spare batteries, cleaning brushes, a tripod, compass, flashlights, rubber boots, rugged clothings etc.

There was a time when I used to carry my film camera and loads of negatives that turned out to be far more expensive. The rolls had to be bought and pictures scanned and developed, all for a price, of course. But digital cameras are more or less one time investment and far easier to edit using various photo editing software.

Digital cameras have simplified things, to a great extent. But, there is still a risk, of losing them. Nothing lasts for ever. And the same is true for cameras (digital or film), memory cards, films, and storage systems of analog (bulky photo albums and negatives) and digital pictures(hard drives, computer and digital storage media). Here again, digital pictures have an upper hand. Many copies of digital pictures can be stored in different storage media easily, and conveniently, at no extra cost. So they are not lost easily, and even if lost, due to deletion or corruption, they can be recovered easily.

Today, the technology has advanced so much, that all the lost things can be found (only true for digital objects; the same is still not true for things with flesh and blood). Today, all the data stored on any digital media can be recovered using Data Recovery Services.

Data recovery is the process of extracting all the lost, deleted and corrupt content from any storage media, like, internal and external hard drive, iPod, USB drives, memory cards, RAID arrays, servers, laptops etc. This process is carried out in class 100 Cleanrooms, and requires knowledge and ability to extract data and high-end tools. Data recovery services should be sought from experts as it is a technically complex job (far more complex than developing photos using negatives in the labs) and if the storage media is not handled properly then might lead to complete loss of data.

HD Recovery - Here Are the Reasons Why You Should Have Data Recovery Software in Your Hand

After losing important data due to a system failure or a virus attack, it is never a wise move to keep waiting because the longer you wait, the more difficult it becomes to recover the lost data and achieve hard disk or hd recovery.

Instead of wasting time and money on other solutions, you can seek assistance from a reliable software tool that can help you to recover data in very little time. Fortunately, there are plenty of options that can be considered while choosing the most appropriate software application.

Those of you who seek professional assistance from recovery experts, there are a number of reasons why you should go for these software tools which have gained considerable popularity in recent times. Some of the key factors that work in favor of the software tools designed for hd recovery are as follows:

1. Cost

You would agree that seeking an expert's service every time your system crashes or the operating system gets affected by a virus attack comes for a price. You would be shelling out at least a few hundred dollars on this. However, investing in a data recovery application entails just a one time expenditure after which you will not be required to spend extra.

2. Convenience

Your system may crash at any point of time and it may not always be feasible to consult a data recovery expert for hd recovery at all times. Instead, if you have a good software recovery tool downloaded in the system, it is convenient for you to regain access to the lost data.

3. Time

If you search properly you will come across a number of software tools that have been proven to be effective in recovering the data within a few minutes. This makes the entire process of hd recovery fast and simple even for a novice.

4. Multi-utility

The software programs designed for recovering lost data and files are developed to suit all kinds of requirements. With just one software program you can retrieve all your lost files, folders, pictures, emails and even partitions. This makes the decision to purchase a software tool a smart one.

Word of caution

There is however a word of caution for all the new users. Don't be misled by the attractive offers that you see around. Irrespective of the price factor, you should make sure that the software tool is easy to use and operate. For this you can select a program after going through a demo or a trial version.

Data Backup - How to Tornado Proof Your Mission Critical Data

Data backup or data protection is critical to your company's success. Think about what would happen to your business if you lost your valuable data today? How long would your business survive? How much would it cost you to recover your data? How long will your clients and customers stay loyal to you while you scramble to recover your data? These are hard questions but there is an easy solution.

Here is a grim fact: if you lose your data you may lose your business. A study completed by Price Waterhouse Coopers in 2004 found that 7 out of 10 small business owners that experienced a major data loss went out of business within one year. Given the current recession, this is not the best time to take any chances on your business or your customers.

The primarily factors that cause data loss can include: computer viruses, power failures, hard drives that crash, disgruntled employees that sabotage computers, and theft. You may also experience data loss from heat, moisture, damage from sunlight and dust.

There are basically two options available for backing up your data. One option consists of manual backup methods. These methods include tapes, CD, DVD, Zip Drives, External Drives, NAS Drives, San Drives and Raid Drives. They require someone to do the work manually in order for backups to get done. They can be very expensive and unreliable. For example: tapes will cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars to buy, install, and maintain. And unless you take them offsite to a secure location every night, your data is not really safe.

Option two is a popular alternative to manual backup methods. Option two consists of subscribing to an online remote data backup service. By utilizing an online remote data backup service your data will be backed up automatically. With this type of service, your backups can easily be accomplished for laptops, desktops or your entire company data servers. Using an online data backup service is so simple that you can easily backup your files in about the same amount of time as it takes you to check your email every day. In just a few minutes, your data and files are safe and secure.

Online data backup services are very cost effective. You simply pay a monthly subscription that costs a fraction of the price you would pay for manual data backups. The service is easy to use. Perfect for people all kinds of people, especially those who are non-technical. Your data is extremely safe. Do not let the risk of data loss expose your business, customers or clients to failure. Regardless of what type of data backup method you choose, the most important thing is to get started protecting your data today!

Lost Partition Recovery From Slave Hard Drive

I am a home computer user. I use computer to store my critical personal data as well as some office documents, financial reports, and project data. I have a WD400 (Western Digital) ATA hard drive. The drive was accidentally installed as the Slave in Microsoft Windows operating system-based computer. The drive was installed as Slave through EZBIOS. But my system had died due to power outage and did not boot up. All of the Windows partitions become inaccessible and needed Partition Recovery to be extracted.

The EZBIOS was installed to remove the restriction of selecting the hard drive settings. I was not able to perform Logical block addressing and multi sector transfers, which were required to increase the overall performance of hard drive in all Microsoft Windows versions. I installed it through a simple boot tool from Western Digital.

My system was completely unbootable or dead. I was only able to enter the system through DOS mode and read "C" partition, but the WD400 drive was still inaccessible. The Slave drive had two partitions and critical data, which I had to preserve.

In order to overcome this problem, I had attached the drive to a new ZT system with Windows XP Professional and tried to access partitions/data from it. But, after booting the ZT system, I could not see the Slave drive in Windows Explorer. The drive was detected in Windows BIOS and BIOS displayed all the statistics of it. However, the hard drive partitions and stored data were still inaccessible.

Earlier I needed to perform what the Western Digital names "Restore the Overlay", for enabling my Windows computer to recognize my hard drive. That was done in DOS mode through "DLGEZ\MBR" command. I think that this file was installed on Microsoft Windows computer by EZBIOS.

The ultimate result of this entire behavior was the inaccessibility of all the hard drive partitions. The hard drive partitions contained valuable data and it was essential for me to retrieve them. I read somewhere on Internet that lost data remains intact on the drive and can be retrieve using appropriate Partition Recovery Software.

Thus, I searched to find out an effective and reliable Partition Recovery Software on Internet and came across Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery. I installed the free demo version of the software on my system and attached affected Slave drive to it. After scanning the drive through demo version, it enlisted both of my lost partitions and their data. Then I activated the demo version by purchasing activation key and got all my data recovered. This Windows Partition Recovery tool recovered all my data in a quick, safe, and easy way.

Recovering Lost Digital Images

The digital technology today permits us to capture one-time memories and retain them for a lifetime. With more and more photographers adopting this technology, various data loss cases are also stepping in. In this digital era, the term 'image loss' is taken as equivalent to an instant loss that can root from accidental deletion, media reformatting or the like instances. As soon as any of these events occurs, the stored images seem to be gone- but not for always. All thanks to Image Recovery applications that can recover and restore lost or deleted digital images in a moment of click.

Before the use of digital photography, issues like opening the film door were more frequent to cause digital images loss. However, with the digital technology, the scenes are different. Most of the digital cameras use a specific memory card that is formatted to a specific file system. So, the chances of losing photos and images rise if this digital media becomes a victim. The typical instances that can corrupt a digital media or cause image loss are:

  • Switching off the camera while an ongoing read/write process
  • Accidental reformatting of the digital media
  • Pulling the memory card out unexpectedly
  • Unintentional file deletion

As a result of the above instances, the stored images become inaccessible or digital camera fails to recognize the media. The Image Recovery Software can recover these lost images in no time, however, you need to consider the following suggestions to avoid permanent data loss that can occur if data gets overwritten:

  • Do not store more data once you realize that image loss has occurred
  • Do not run any disk scanning or repair utility
  • Switch off the camera or eject the memory card immediately

Image Recovery has a limitation of not recovering the overwritten data. But in rest of the cases, when data in intact and you cannot access it because you have corrupted or deleted its reference from file system (that is what exactly happens when an image is deleted), the third-party image data recovery applications can recover them safely and easily.

Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery is an advanced recovery tool equipped with safe technology to recover lost or deleted images, photos, videos, audios, and the like digital data. The Image Recovery Software can recover data from almost all types of digital cameras, digital memory cards, hard drives etc. The tool is available for Windows and Macintosh operating systems.

How Do You Go About Finding the Best Ways of Outlook PST Repair

You know how beneficial Outlook is especially at work. In most reputed organizations this is used primarily as an e-mail procedure, but it provides so many additional features like web browsing, Calendar, Contact manager, Task Manager, Journal, Notes and a lot more which are most popular. The data that is stored in the outlook is in the.pst format and when there is any corruption to this file there appear errors and you need to use the best methods of outlook PST repair to get rid of the issue.

There can be many reasons why your files are behaving in a weird manner and the reasons can include virus attacks or even unexpected power shut downs. What ever be the reason, losing data from this source is indeed very annoying especially when it is connected with work. Most times there can be cases where important e-mails or contact details are missing from your personal folder and you just do not know what to do next. The only solution to your problem is to find Outlook PST repair that works.

Sometimes there is data from a particular file that becomes missing partially and you need to follow few simple steps to get the outlook PST repair process started off. There is several outlook PST repair software that is available in the market which scans the damaged PST files and replaces all the missing and corrupt information by retrieving it back thereby giving you all the details that you just want.

Once the outlook PST repair software scans the file that has problems it restores it completely and saves it as a new file with all the details. And the best part is that these files are completely usable in the present situation like how you used the one that got corrupted as all information gets updated.

How to Go About the Process of PST File Repair

Most of us who use the Microsoft Outlook have often faced this problem of the personal folders file which is of the PST extension being damaged and there is an error that states that the data cannot be retrieved as there is a problem with the expansion of the folder. It will also give a path to where the folder is present. If you want to get rid of this problem the only solution is to use a PST file repair solution that gives a reliable result.

Microsoft itself provides the inbox repair tool which can be found in the options of the tool bar. You need to look for the Scanpst.exe file and run it if you want to get rid of the problem. Now this becomes difficult for an amateur computer user who relies of outlook to get most of his work done. The best way would be to find a PST file repair program that will do the work on its own.

This PST file repair process will make sure that you are out of the trouble of actually doing all the work manually. Instead the software takes care of everything from recovering mails, contacts, tasks and all other data that is stored. These are sensitive data and even one minute data getting lost will have problems that will cause repercussions that are just not manageable.

The beauty of the whole PST file repair procedure is that not only does it deals with the corrupt file but makes sure that the data that is lost is recovered and you have a completely fresh set of files with all the data that you stored so far.

There is one thing that you need to keep in mind when you are in the process of selecting PST file repair software. Make sure that the one you select is actually compatible with your operating system and the version of outlook that you are using. Once you are sure of this you can purchase this software and all your issues are solved in a jiffy.

Do PST Repair Tools Actually Help in Retrieving All Your Lost Data?

It gets very annoying to realize that your outlook files are lost or having some problem in retrieving the data that you stored in it. Now if the data is very important especially when you are working in an organization and data that you are in charge of actually gets lost you do not know what to do. The only solution to your problem is the fact that you need to use PST repair tools.

You might argue that there is the inbox repair tool which can be seen as the scanpst.exe file provided by Microsoft itself. When such a tool is present what is the necessity of using PST repair tools from outside? There is a huge necessity as these are only used for small tit bit problems that occur to your data. In case of larger issues you need to get the PST repair tools that can be downloaded onto your system.

For instance if the error is concerned with an up gradation issue, like when you upgrade the version to 2007, the problems caused in this case can be sorted out by the inbox repair tool. But if the content itself is damaged then this tool will probably delete the complete file and make the content unintelligible. Thus you need to find other PST repair tools.

The main reason why this sort of problem arises is that there is a file size limit that is present. In most cases when the file size exceeds about 2GB such problems crop up because when more data is getting cramped into this space the complete content gets corrupted and damaged.

The idea of centralized storage is what is used in case of the Microsoft outlook which is why there are such problems that arise. You need to make sure that you lay your hands on the best PST repair tools to find the best results.

Solution to Repair PST Files Damaged Because of the Anti Virus Software

The main reason for those PST files not responding can be your anti virus software. You may find this explanation unacceptable, but the fact remains that this can happen. Most of the times you may have found an error which states that the anti virus software on your computer was the reason why your outlook file has been blocked and is not able to open. This is because there is some compatibility issue that is present between your antivirus software and the Microsoft outlook version you are using. To solve these issues you need to repair the outlook files that are damaged actually.

Another reason why your software is preventing the opening of the file can be the presence of a virus which it has not been able to quarantine or take care of. If this opens there can be an infestation on your system and you will have to do much more than just finding ways to repair the PST files.

There are several ways you can get to repair outlook files and they are given hereunder.

• Make sure that your anti virus software database is updated as often as possible. The vendors of your software actually gets the details about the latest viruses that have entered the scene and unless your software is aware of there it will not know how to handle them and when such a virus attacks your outlook software you are in such trouble and need to find how to repair outlook files

• If your antivirus is still unable to get rid of the viruses then make sure you delete the file completely and use software that repair PST files by restoring the information from a back up that is created

Using this software that can repair PST files is the best option that is available. Not only does it clear all your present problems but also makes sure that there can be no more infestations.

Getting Your Data Back From Your Online Backup

Backing up your data to an online backup service is only one part of how to keep your data safe in the event of a hard drive failure or other major catastrophe. Restoring your data from your backup is the second major part. How you restore your data from your service is an important feature that people need to know before signing up for a service.

The majority of online backup services offer several ways to restore your data: client restore, web restore and in some cases a DVD or hard drive restore. The more options you have to restore your files the better. It provides you with more ways to make sure you recover all of your files.

The majority of services offer a client restore feature. Where you would install the software client on your new computer with your existing user name and password. Once this is done you then have access to the files that are backed up. You can choose which files to restore and the software client will download them for you. This is an easy and convenient way to restore your files, but it does have some problems. If you are restoring a large amount of data your restore can take a very long time depending on your Internet connection. If your ISP has bandwidth caps you can also run into problems of going over your bandwidth limits.

Web restores are similar to a client restore, except you would login to your services web control panel and request a file restore. Depending on the service your request can take some time to process and you will then be able to download your files. Like a client restore if you are restoring all of your files this can be time consuming, bandwidth hogging and difficult to download all of your data.

If you have lost all of your data and need to restore all of it ordering a DVD or hard drive restore is a great option. There are not many online backup services that offer this type of restore, Mozy and Backblaze are the only two currently. While it might cost a little extra to order this type of restore the cost is minor compared to losing all of your data. Combined with doing a client or web restore to get your most precious files back immediately and a DVD or hard drive restore you can be up and running again quickly. This will also not cause any issues with downloading large multiple files, or and bandwidth issues.

If you are investigating using online backup for your personal or business needs be sure to look into not only how your files are backed up to the service, but how you will get them back. If you are limited to only a software client and web restore be ready to spend time downloading your files and the problems that can create for large data restores.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Facts on Data Mining

Data mining is the process of examining a data set to extract certain patterns. Companies use this process to determine the outcome of their existing goals. They summarize this information into useful methods to create revenue and/or cut costs. When search engines are accessed, they begin to build lists of links from the first page it accesses. It continues this process throughout the site until it reaches the root page. This data not only includes text, but also numbers and facts.

Data mining focuses on consumers in relation to both "internal" (price, product positioning), and "external" (competition, demographics) factors which help determine consumer price, customer satisfaction, and corporate profits. It also provides a link between separate transactions and analytical systems. Four types of relationships are sought with data mining:

• Classes - information used to increase traffic
• Clusters - grouped to determine consumer preferences or logical relationships
• Associations - used to group products normally bought together (i.e., bacon, eggs; milk, bread)
• Patterns - used to anticipate behavior trends

This process provides numerous benefits to businesses, governments, society, and especially individuals as a whole. It starts with a cleaning process which removes errors and ensures consistency. Algorithms are then used to "mine" the data to establish patterns. With all new technology, there are positives and negatives. One negative issue that arises from the process is privacy. Although it is against the law, the selling of personal information over the Internet has occurred. Companies have to obtain certain personal information to be able to properly conduct their business. The problem is that the security systems in place are not adequately protecting this information.

From a customer viewpoint, data mining benefits businesses more than their interests. Their personal information is out there, possibly unprotected, and there is nothing they can do until a negative issue arises. On the other hand, from the business side, it helps enhance overall operations and aid in better customer satisfaction. In regards to the government, they use personal data to tighten security systems and protect the public from terrorism; however, they want to protect people's privacy rights as well. With numerous servers, databases, and websites out there, it becomes increasingly difficult to enforce stricter laws. The more information we introduce to the web, the greater the chances of someone hacking into this data.

Better security systems should be developed before data mining can truly benefit all parties involved. Privacy invasion can ruin people's lives. It can take months, even years, to regain a level of trust that our personal information will be protected. Benefits aside, the safety and well being of any human being should be top priority.

Backing Up & Keeping Your iTunes Library Safe

Music files are similar to any other computer file in terms of their susceptibility to being deleted and being damaged. It's not uncommon for a computer hard drive to pack in and stop working or for computers to be stolen. If you do not have a back up of your music and iTunes archive then you run the risk of losing all your music. It should be noted that there are programs on the market that allow you to retrieve the music from your iPod and copy it back onto your computer (that is beyond the scope of this article) but if you have more music on your computer than you do on your iPod then that music will be lost. Backing up your archive is an essential way of reducing the heart ache and time associated with lost music.

If you want to back up your iTunes properly it is not a simple matter of just making sure you have copied the actual song files as there is more to your iTunes folder than just the song files (playlists, preferences and artwork for example). If you are not sure where your iTunes folder is, it can be found in your 'home folder > Music' if you are using a Mac or in 'Home folder > My Music' if using a PC. The best way to back up your music is to copy the whole folder on to an external hard drive or onto a CD/DVD. Some people choose to back their music up into a separate folder on their computer but this is not such a great idea as if your hard drive crashes or your computer is stolen you will lose both the original and back up files which results in no more music and an upset you!

The easiest and probably the most convenient way would be to back the music up onto an external hard drive. External hard drives come in many shapes and sizes. Nowadays external hard drives are cheap to purchase and you can easily pick one up at a reasonable price. The good thing about backing your music up onto an external hard drive is that you can do it all at once, it is simple to do and restoring your lost library is easy.

If you ever need to restore your lost library then you would need to open iTunes Preferences and check both the boxes that relate to the iTunes folder which are found in the advanced pane. You would then need to come out of iTunes and drag the entire back up iTunes folder from the external hard drive to it's original location (as mentioned earlier). Now start iTunes again and you should find that all your preferences and playlists etc should have been restored.

Back ups are only useful if you keep them updated. There is no point in making back ups of your iTunes folder every 2 months if you add music to it every week. That would be a lot of music added to iTunes in between back ups. I would suggest making a back up of your folder often (every week or couple of weeks, it all depends on how often you add music) by dragging the folder onto your hard drive and replacing the previous backup

Fixing "Extent E_ID is Allocated..." Error Message

The physical database structure of Microsoft SQL Server contains various types of components, arranged into systematic order. The data stored in the SQL database file is divided into number of pages numbered from 0 to n. Collection of eight continuous pages forms an extent (top-most hierarchical component). Corruption in extent primarily results into an error message while mounting of your database. This error message results into unmountability of database, which further leads to inaccessibility of its stored information. To surpass the issues created after extent corruption, most of the database users prefer to restore the database from an updated backup. But, the probability of every database user maintaining a regular backup is very rare. In such cases, these users need to repair there corrupt database using advanced SQL Repair application.

As a practical case, your SQL database becomes unmountable after the below error message appears:

"Extent E_ID is allocated to 'OBJECTNAME' and at least one other object."

Repetitive occurrence of the above error message makes the data stored in your database inaccessible.


The above error message appears when there is some corruption in Extents. This can either happen due to logical or physical damages.


The solutions for resolving the above error message - caused either through logical or physical damage - are discussed below:

The physical damages can be surmounted by replacing the physically damaged system component with a new one.
The logical damaged can be surpassed by executing DBCC CHECKDB command, with an appropriate repair clause.

The failure of both the above resolutions leaves with no option, but to restore data from an updated backup. However, in case of unavailability of an updated backup or backup falling short of restoring the updated backup, you will need to use advanced SQL repair application.

A SQL Repair software uses high end scanning methods to repair the corrupt SQL Server database. With interactive user-interface and non-destructive nature, these tools are easy to understand and perform safe database repair. There is no need for any technical skill to use these repair tools.

SQL Recovery is competent enough to repair corrupt SQL database to a level unmatched by any other repair application. The ms SQL repair software repairs SQL Server 2008, 2005, and 2000 databases and restores them on default or new user specified location. The software is designed for Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2003, 2000 and NT operating systems.

How to Check the Disk Format of Your iPod

The iPod is a popular portable media player from Apple Inc. It has a disk with a screen and specific software. You can restore your iPod to work with both Macintosh and Windows computers. If you configure it for Mac operating system, it is restored as HFS+ (Mac OS Extended) file system. If you configure it for Microsoft Windows, it is restored as FAT32 file system. However, when you change the disk format, it needs to be reformatted. Reformatting removes all the files from disk and need to opt for iPod Recovery to get your files back.

Checking iPod's disk format:

In order to determine the disk format, follow the underwritten steps:

On the iPod, select Settings and then About. If you are using an older one, chose Settings from main menu.

Scroll down to bottom of your iPod's screen.

If disk is restored for Mac operating system, you see the serial number as last item in About screen. If your iPod is configured for Microsoft Windows operating system, you see the "Format: Windows" as last item.

If your disk is configured for Mac operating system, you can not use it on Microsoft Windows operating system-based computer. However, it is possible to restore the iPod disk for using it with Microsoft Windows computer. For this purpose, you need to restore the factory settings.

When you connect a Windows configured iPod (excluding Shuffle) to Macintosh operating system-based computer, formats itself to work with Macintosh (HFS Plus file system). It happens for the first time when you connect it with your Mac computer.

When you restore the factory settings of your iPod, using iTunes software, all of the files stored on iPod disk are removed. In such cases, if you do not have an updated backup of your critical files, Recovery Software are required to get your data recovered.

The iPod Data Recovery applications use efficient scanning algorithms to thoroughly scan the disk and retrieve all lost photos, music files, podcasts, videos, and documents. The enable you to perform Recovery on your own, with simple and rich graphical user interface. The tools do not alter original data as they read-only and non-destructive conduct.

Stellar Phoenix iPod Recovery is the most advanced and powerful tool to extract lost files from iPod disk. The software is available for both Windows and Macintosh operating system, in two different versions. It is compatible with iPod Classic and shuffle.

Resolving "No Images Found on the Selected Media" Memory Card Error

Digital camera is the most excellent and popular way to take high-quality digital pictures. Picture is a way to capture once in lifetime event. Such events may include your summer vacations, college farewell party, first baby step, and more. Digital camera store these pictures on cards, which is considered as an effective and reliable data storage media. However, in some cases, your critical pictures can not be accessed from the memory card and you encounter file loss. In order to retrieve lost photos, Card Recovery solutions are required.

The memory card may become inaccessible through digital camera in various situations. When you attempt to access the stored pictures from card or try to copy the photos to your computer hard drive, you may encounter several error messages and the desired operations on memory card can not be completed. For instance, you may come across the below error message while trying to open a photo in digital camera:

"No images found on the selected media"

This is a quite stressing situation, particularly if you are a professional photographer and the memory card contains client's pictures. You definitely do not want to lose the photos and want to get them back at any cost. In order to recover photos in such situations, you need to find out the cause of this behavior and fix it through Card Data Recovery methods.

Grounds of the issue

There could be two possible reasons of this problem:

The data structures of your card are corrupted. Data structures are used to index the stored files, easily manage them, and access them. After corruption to the data structures, files can not be located and accessed.

Memory card is accidentally formatted or the files are deleted. After deletion of the files, file location start list of digital camera becomes empty and this problem occurs.


In order to lost photos, videos, and music files from your card, go for Recovery Software. The applications carry out thorough scan of entire card and extract lost files from it.

The Digital Memory Card Recovery tools come equipped with simple and rich graphical user interface and thus do not demand sound technical skills. They do not alter original data from the media as they have read-only conduct.

Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery is the most effective and advanced tool to ensure absolute recovery of lost photos. The software recovers from all types of memory cards including SD card, MMC card, and XD card. It is available in two different versions for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems.