The hard drive that holds your personal, professional and intimate information is a very delicate component of your computer. While the hard drive may seem like a sturdy piece of equipment, one false move when attempting to recover data can the entire backup file of information could be lost forever. When data recovery specialists are given a drive that has been tampered with, the data is often too far gone to be restored.
The first line of defense that most people choose after losing data is the disk repair utility. Most computer repair functions will write information on the hard drive, essentially creating a new drive with the old data simply wiped away or covered with a deep layer of data that must be sorted through to find the most important files. Rebooting the computer from scratch by reinstalling the operating system is also a huge mistake. These restart disks will erase the files and upload all base files as if the computer were recently purchased.
Opening up the hard drive is another huge mistake. Once the drives are open, the most sensitive components may come in contact with dust, dirt, debris and human fingerprints which could damage the drive enough to make data recovery impossible. Other common mistakes include hitting the drive, dropping the drive or physically harming the drive in some way.
The only solution for data recovery is to take the computer to a specialist who will properly extract the information that appears "lost". While many data recover specialists understand the fact that anger is often associated with loss, the hard drive will never respond to force or physical abuse by handing over the data you once could not find.
Myloer is a hobby writer who usually updates his blogs every day and writes about all kinds of topics. His latest project is about file recovery tools and you can also read his articles about hdd data recovery by following the links.
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