You may need to perform hard disc recovery if you have downloaded a virus or just deleted a file whether it is on purpose or by accident. There are many different options available and your computer may come with its own data recovery software. It is important to remember that there are options and you do not have to start over from scratch.
When you delete a file or put it in the recycling bin you are not actually wiping that file from your computer at that moment. Instead the space that that file occupies is now considered free and can be used to write other data or programs. So your data can actually last on your computer for a long time after you have deleted it.
There are plenty of data recovery programs that can be obtained and used to restore you deleted data. There are even some programs that can recover data from reformatted discs.
You should not jump the gun but take some time to research the recovery options available for your problem. Many times actually opening inaccessible files is much easier then you may think.
However sometimes you cannot access your data due to a hard drive hardware error as something mechanical in the hard drive is not working. In this case you may need to use the services of a data recovery specialist as it is not recommended that you open the hard drive yourself. Additionally hitting, throwing and freezing your hard drive will only damage the drive further.
The best way to recover data is to take preventative steps. You should always back up your hard drive regularly. Just ask yourself how much data are you willing to lose. If the answer is none then you should back up every day or every time after you change data on your hard drive.