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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fixing Your Mistake With Hard Disc Recovery

You may need to perform hard disc recovery if you have downloaded a virus or just deleted a file whether it is on purpose or by accident. There are many different options available and your computer may come with its own data recovery software. It is important to remember that there are options and you do not have to start over from scratch.

When you delete a file or put it in the recycling bin you are not actually wiping that file from your computer at that moment. Instead the space that that file occupies is now considered free and can be used to write other data or programs. So your data can actually last on your computer for a long time after you have deleted it.

There are plenty of data recovery programs that can be obtained and used to restore you deleted data. There are even some programs that can recover data from reformatted discs.

You should not jump the gun but take some time to research the recovery options available for your problem. Many times actually opening inaccessible files is much easier then you may think.

However sometimes you cannot access your data due to a hard drive hardware error as something mechanical in the hard drive is not working. In this case you may need to use the services of a data recovery specialist as it is not recommended that you open the hard drive yourself. Additionally hitting, throwing and freezing your hard drive will only damage the drive further.

The best way to recover data is to take preventative steps. You should always back up your hard drive regularly. Just ask yourself how much data are you willing to lose. If the answer is none then you should back up every day or every time after you change data on your hard drive.

ecure Your Data With Backups and Encryption

Anyone who regularly uses computers has experienced a disaster of some sort. Either your computer crashes just before you save your document to disk, or in the worst case a computer failure renders your disk unreadable. While you might think that hard disks don't fail very often, it happens much more often than you think.

It's important to prepare for this type of disaster, and of course being prepared means having your data backed up. When - not if - the worst happens you need to be able to recover important documents and information from other sources.

Backing up is actually quite easy to do these days. There are many simple, automated solutions, a good selection of which are also free. Even if the right tool for you is not free, if you have ever experienced a failure you'll quickly agree that a reliable backup strategy is worth every penny.

You may not even need to look far. Many operating systems and most external hard drives now come complete with automatic backup software which you can schedule to complete daily at a time convenient for you.

Another scenario to prepare for is theft; your computer, particularly a portable laptop or netbook, could be stolen. Then not only do you lose your data, but some thief might now have access to it.

This is when encryption plays an important part in keeping your personal data and sensitive information secure and safe. One approach is to use encryption tools such as TrueCrypt to create virtual encrypted drives whose contents are nearly impossible to access without the passphrase.

Stand-alone single-file encryption tools such as AxCrypt, or encryption options in tools such as 7-Zip are also reliable and secure options for keeping data secure. Do not rely on password protection built into most general purpose applications such as Word or Excel - most of those are fine for keeping honest people honest, but are easily cracked with information found on the internet. Similarly, it's unwise to rely on Windows own Encrypted Filesystem - not because it's easy to crack, but rather for just the opposite: there are common scenarios that, without appropriate precautions, can render your data completely inaccessible - even to you.

While you may not experience a computer disaster anytime soon, like the Boy Scouts you still need to be prepared. Back up your computer and consider keeping your sensitive information safe and secure in some encrypted form. With the process both simple and often free, it pays to be prepared.

Error Message - iPod Service Error

Ever since iPods have been introduced, their popularity has been on the rise. There are a number of different types available with different storage capacities. Portable media players are useless if the data on them ever becomes inaccessible. iPod data is vulnerable even when you have problems with iTunes. Whenever anyone gets a new storage device, the first thing one is advised is to take a back-up of whatever is stored on it. No matter how many back-ups you take, in dire circumstances we tend to panic. If your back-ups are inaccessible for some reason, use a recovery software and reclaim your data.

One of the most common error messages one sees is:

"iPod Service Error"


The reason behind such kinds of error messages are mainly:

-the software is corrupted

-device-interface errors

-software conflicts

-windows does not recognize the iPod

Since iTunes is the interface between the computer and the iPod, this error message means that iTunes is not functioning properly. (This error message is only seen by Windows users. Mac users should not face most of the above problems since both have been manufactured by the same company.)


You can resolve the above problem by un-installing and then re-installing iTunes. Although your data is supposed to remain safe during the process, ensure you have a back-up of your iTunes data. This is just in case for some reason you do need to recover iTunes data.

To un-install iTunes:

Go to Control Panel, select Add or Remove Programs. Then choose iTunes from the list and press Remove.
Restart the computer. In the drive where the OS is installed, delete the iTunes folder. Then in the iPod folder, delete the "BIN". Empty the Recycle Bin. Restart the computer again. Download iTunes, and the iPod Software, to reinstall them. Your iPod should now connect to the computer and iTunes properly.

If the above method does not help, try changing the system configuration settings. If during any of the steps, you lose your iTunes/iPod data, you can retrieve it using iPod recovery software available on the Internet.

Stellar Phoenix iPod Recovery, is a utility tool, designed to scan iPods to recover iPod data. The software supports iPod Classic, Nano, Shuffle, and Mini. It also supports MIDI, OGG, AVI, MOV etc file formats, thus making it possible to recover all types of data. You can also view a thumbnail preview of the recoverable files.

How to Recover Accidentally "Deleted All" Photos

A photograph is the best way to capture a moment and hold onto it for life. The best thing about it is, no matter how you have the photo saved, if after a few years you realize that you don't want that particular photo, you can simply delete it. Often when you have a sack-full of pictures, you feel like cutting out the 'not-so-nice' ones. Sometimes due to some silly mistake, we end up deleting pictures that we want. More often than not, we don't even keep back-ups of the images. This means that once we delete those photographs, we have nothing to compensate their loss. All the repenting doesn't help the deed that's done. At such times you can use a photo recovery software to recover the pictures.

An instance of the above situation could arise when you have wedding pictures where the camera-man takes a lot of unwanted ones. You decide you want to delete some of them before you make copies of the CD to distribute to among friends and family. Instead of just a few of your pictures being removed, all of them get deleted. You go to the recycle bin, but they aren't there either.

The reason for this is that most of us have a habit of pressing "SHIFT" while deleting anything. When you right click to delete images, the "DELETE" and "DELETE ALL" option are one after the other. It's possible that instead of choosing the former option, you chose the latter one. When you press "SHIFT + DELETE ALL" every photo in the folder gets deleted permanently. These will not be in the "recycle bin" either.

These pictures can still be recovered. If you have a back-up, nothing like it, just restore the picture from there. In case you don't have one, you can use a photo recovery software and recover lost photos. Even after the pictures have been deleted from your computer, the file system of the computer stores them. This enables specially designed software to scan it and retrieve photos. You must ensure to use a safe one, since using any counterfeits could cause irreversible damage to the pictures.

Photo Recovery is a digital photo recovery tool. It has a simple GUI which also gives users thumbnail previews of the recoverable data. The software supports all popular image, audio and video file formats (JPEG, JPG, BMP, AVI, MOV, WAV etc.) allowing you to salvage photos and videos with just one software.

How to Recover MDB Files Quickly

Finding a corrupt MS Access database or an 'unrecognizable file format' message is all in a day's work for people working with Access databases. Being a well known database for its speed to access data rows and its ability to encrypt data efficiently, MS Access has many laurels in its pocket but being a highly fragile database isn't one of them. If you too are having problems with your Access Databases, its time you learn how to fix them.

From the age old MS Access back in the days to the brand new and most robust MS Access 2007, the Access Database has travelled a long way from being just another common man's tools for using databases to a high end industry database that is easy on the resources and provides almost all the features that big boys like MS SQL, PLSQL and MySql provide. Very useful to professionals as well as newbie's for creating intuitive frontend as well as intensive backend database, MS Access still has its share of downturns and susceptibility to changes is one of them.

Ever tried renaming a MDB file? Changing the order of columns just so it looks more organized? Or changing relationships in the database? If you have performed any of the above tasks, quite more than often, you would have suffered from corrupted Access databases. Follow these steps to recover your MDB files quickly.

• Back it up: If you get a corrupt MDB file, remember to back it up by creating a copy and saving it somewhere else on your system.

• Use inbuilt tools for recovery: MS Access provides many database recovery and performance enhancement utilities. By using the restore feature available in MS Access, users can easily recover MDB files with low level corruptions.

• Use a Recent Backup: While using recovery tools it is advised to use a recent copy of the backup and not an age old one.

• Use JetComp.exe: An excellent utility that can be used to recover some files with corruptions, JetComp.exe can be a pocket friendly way to get your MDB files recovered.

If you suffer from frequent errors in your Access databases, you would be happy to know that such file corruptions are easy to fix and you would be able to recover MDB files with ease with the use of Advanced Access Repair that not only recovers MDB files but also recovers and repairs Access Databases with one click function.

Recover Access From Compile Time Errors

After long nights and tiresome days of creating a perfect MS Access database, all hell breaks loose when suddenly you notice that you are not able to save your database because of a compile time error in MS Access. Read on to find out how you can get rid of compile time errors and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Compile time errors in MS Access can have various causes and this it is difficult to pinpoint the exact one unless a careful study of the MS Access reporting tool is performed. Even though you may be seeing the errors at compile time there are many stages in the compile time that can generate separate errors and thus they can be very beneficial in tracking the exact reason behind an MS Access error. The various states that can trigger an error at compile time in MS Access are:

• Compilation Stage: This stage refers to the actual creation of the database and suffers from most errors because of its constant state of vulnerability. Users frequently test a database with its tables, relations, row and columns and generate reports that access the database elements while creating and dropping connections at a rapid rate. One of the best ways to avoid compile stage errors is to have good database coding without errors. If you are frequently haunted by compilation stage errors, it is better to go for third party software to recover Access database.

• Mounting Stage: This is the part where database is created and finalized for final use. All databases become fit to use after successful completion of this stage only. As database mounting is a hardware intensive procedure you have to make sure you have the right hardware. As the system tries to access the data at a rapid rate, it is only beneficial that you have a fast data seeking hard disk so that nothing is stored in the buffer.

• While Performing Changes: Whether you change the filename or configure some properties, MS Access databases are easier to corrupt and can very easily turn to erroneous one's. It is not possible to always be cautious about the state of Access databases thus, users are advised to use software that can recover Access databases with ease. Software like Advanced Access Repair is one such software that can be used to recover Access quickly and effortlessly.

Repair Access Files That Got Corrupted

You may be the most cautious person when it comes to handling files and folders on your computer, but believe it or not, if you are a user of MS Access Database files, someday or the other, you will end up getting Access database file corruption or in other words, MDB corruption. Read on to know what are the causes as well as the available methods that can be used to repair Access files.

Quite possibly, MS Access files are one of the most fragile files available on your computer's hard disk and there is nothing that cannot corrupt these files. Anything from a friendly rename operation on the MDB files or a shift of path can lead to Access database file corruption. Access files are so fragile because they have a structure that is optimized for fast data retrieval along with equally fast update and insert operations. While Access files can be made more robust by changing the file options, you will lose out on the database speed and agility to read data in case of filters in the database query. The best choice at the end of the day remains to let Access databases be susceptible to changes so as to maintain speed. What about database corruption? Yes, we can take care of that by using utilities available in MS Access as well as using third party professional software that can be used to repair databases with ease. Let's see how.

Using Jet Compact Utility To Repair Access Databases

Jet compact is a useful utility that can be used to heal databases that are corrupted due to changes. Usually, when MS Access finds out that a database file needs repair, it shows a message that allows the user to begin the automatic database repair process, thus eliminating any need for specialization.

Another way to repair access databases is to use the 'Database Utilities' menu item under 'Tools' menu and click 'select and Repair Database' option.

Even though using this utility can be beneficial, it does not serve advanced repairs and thus rises the need to use third party software like Advanced Access Repair that uses sophisticated algorithms to detect the type of database corruption and automatically fixes it all with the click of a single button. Such software also negates the chances of accidently erasing the data that your database files have and assure full Access database repair.

Beginning a Data Recovery Project and Why This is Crucial

Setting up a "Data Recovery" project takes some time to get started. The time you need to develop a full a "Data Recovery" project plan varies considerably, based on the size of your organization, the number of critical business functions, and the level of commitment your business is willing to make.

I estimate that developing a DR project takes three months for the very smallest organization (less than 100 employees and only one or two critical applications) and two years for a large organization (thousands of employees and several critical applications). But you have many other variables besides company size to consider.

Gaining executive support is a must because "Data Recovery" projects are disruptive. They require the best and brightest minds in the business, taking those minds away from other projects in the organization. From a strictly financial perspective, data recovery planning doesn't provide profitability, nor should you expect the organization to become any more efficient or effective.

You may find selling the idea of a "Data Recovery" project to management difficult. A DR project doesn't have a ROI, any more than data security does. Both data recovery planning and security deal with preparing for and avoiding events that you hope never happen (and if you do your job correctly, the fact that the events don't happen is your return on investment). Still, you may need to convince management that DR planning is a worthwhile investment for any of the following reasons.

Disaster preparation and survival: The most obvious benefit of a completed DR plan is the organization's survival from a disaster. Survival that comes as a result of planning and preparation.

Disaster avoidance: Data recovery planning often leads to the improvement of processes and IT systems that makes those processes and systems more resilient. Events that would result in a severe business interruption before you had the DR plan in place become, in many cases, just a minor event artier you enact the plan.

Due diligence and Due Care: Few organizations have never experienced an accident or event that resulted in the loss of data. Neglecting the need for "Data Recovery" planning can be as serious an offense as neglecting to properly secure information. DR planning protects data against loss. If your organization fails to exercise this due care, it could face civil or criminal lawsuits if a preventable disaster destroys important information.

Stop the Physical Memory Dump Error - What to Do to Make This Error Go Away

The "Physical Memory Dump" error is one of the blue screens of death, which can stop your PC from working, causing it to restart without warning. This is a major problem as it makes your PC lose your work and unsaved games. However, there is a way to fix it.

The physical memory dump is actually an error from the heart of Windows. It's basically like the "ejector seat" for Windows, where it actually 'dumps' all the information that is open in your PC at the time. If Windows hits a serious error, it has to restart... but before it does so, it tends to save a lot of your information in a file that's kept on your hard drive. Although this file is non-recoverable, the error is basically Windows' way of protecting itself from any serious damage.

The error is caused by two things. The first is hardware compatibility - if you've just put a new piece of hardware into your computer, it might not be compatible with other parts of your system... making your PC have a fatal error. This means that if you've just put some new kit in your computer, such as a new hard drive, graphics card or even USB drive, then you will want to remove it immediately and try using your system again. This is a common problem with people who have upgraded their machines, and have non-compatible hardware trying to work together.

The second cause of the error is actually to do with the software of your PC. Whenever you use software on your computer, all sorts of settings and information is being opened by your computer. This is how Windows was designed, but it is really one of the biggest causes of the Physical Memory Dump. What happens is that since all your software needs to 'remember' a lot of information each time it loads up, it saves many details in the 'registry' database. This is a database which stores the likes of your desktop wallpaper and even your Internet bookmarks & is very important for the smooth operation of your PC.

However, the registry is actually used so much that many of its settings and files are saved in the wrong way, making them unreadable. This means that the next time your software needs to open the settings, it cannot, causing a fatal error in Windows and forcing it to perform the Physical Memory Dump procedure. This is the most common cause of the error and explains why it can be very random. But it's also very easy to fix - you just need to use a registry cleaner tool to scan through the entire registry database and fix any of the corrupt files that might be causing a problem. These tools work to get the entire registry in order and fixes all of the corrupt files that might be lurking in there.

How to Resolve "B-Tree Chain Linkage Mismatch" Error Message

The fast results of SQL queries is a result of b-tree indexes used by a SQL Server. A single B-tree consists of number of index nodes, root nodes, branch nodes, and leaf nodes that enable you to systematically store your data.

Corruption in any of the nodes (specially index nodes) can result into inaccessibility of records stored in the database. In most of these situations, you encounter an error message stating the exact cause. To surpass the above database inaccessibility circumstances, you will need to use restore the data stored from an updated backup. However, in absence of an updated backup or backup falls short to restore the required data, then you will need to search for advanced third-party sql repair application.

Consider a practical scenario, where you receive the below error message when you attempt view the records saved in your SQL Server database:

Table error: Object ID O_ID, index ID I_ID. B-tree chain linkage mismatch. P_ID1->next = P_ID2, but P_ID2->Prev =P_ID3.

After the above error message appears, the data stored in the database becomes inaccessible. Moreover, you receive the same error message each time you attempt to access the database.


The root cause for the occurrence of the above error message is the break in the logical page chain at any level (root or leaf) of B-tree. This scenario can occur due to various logical or physical factors.


For absolute resolution of the above error message caused due to either logical or physical reasons, you will need to follow the below measures:

Execute DBCC CHECKDB command, with repair clause to resolve the error caused due to logical corruption.
Change the physically damaged component in case of physical corruption. To identify the damaged component, you will need to examine the application the application and Microsoft Windows system logs.

If the above the measures fail to perform, and there is database backup available, then you will need to search for powerful SQL Repair software. These SQL Database Repair tools serve as self explanatory and repair centric tools and are completely non-destructive in nature.

Stellar Phoenix SQL Recovery is an advanced application that is competent enough to repair corrupt SQL Server 2008, 2005, and 2000 databases after all logical scenarios. The repair sql software employs high end scanning methods to recover almost all SQL database components including tables, views, rules, stored procedures, etc.